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No-frills CPU Control

5 reviews
62.1 k downloads

Set up and control the frequency of your CPU

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No-frills CPU Control is an essential utility for users with rooted devices looking to manage their CPU settings effectively. This tool empowers you to adjust CPU frequencies and governors with ease, enabling improved performance or better battery life dependent on your needs. Its user interface is designed for simplicity, allowing you to effortlessly set your phone's processor to maximum frequency to enhance gaming performance or reduce it to the minimum to extend battery life when your phone is idle.

A noteworthy advantage of this application is that it executes without running any services in the background, ensuring a minimal memory footprint. Compatibility spans across a vast range of rooted devices from well-known brands, adding versatility to its utility.

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It’s important to note the necessity of root permissions and often a custom ROM like CyanogenMod, which supports kernel frequency scaling, for it to function properly. To prevent boot-loops from unsafe settings, changes will not be applied if the phone doesn’t shut down cleanly, serving as a safety measure.

Additional key features include an easy-to-navigate GUI for adjusting frequencies, governor, and I/O scheduler, and a statistics screen to monitor frequency usage. A "safety valve" feature is also included as an extra layer of precaution against potentially unstable configurations.

As an open-source application under the Apache 2.0 license, the source code and additional details are available for those interested. It maintains an up-to-date aesthetic with the newer Android interfaces and has discontinued support for older Android versions, offering a classic version catered to those users.

For those seeking optimal control over their device's CPU, this app offers a free, comprehensive solution without the clutter of unnecessary extras, standing as a robust choice for advanced device management.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by SINÉO.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7 or higher required

Information about No-frills CPU Control 1.28.2

Package Name it.sineo.android.noFrillsCPU
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
30 more
Author SINÉO
Downloads 62,102
Date Jan 29, 2016
Content Rating +3
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2 months ago


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